Multi- trunk Trachycarpus Fortunei. Free delivery


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Multi- trunk Trachycarpus Fortunei
Multi- trunk Trachycarpus Fortunei. Free delivery
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Multi- trunk Trachycarpus Fortunei-Free delivery. Number 182.

Multi- trunk Trachycarpus Fortunei

Palms are one of the ‘must have’ plants for an exotic garden and, since its first introduction into cultivation in the UK in the Victorian era, Trachycarpus fortunei has proved to be an exceptionally hardy and robust palm. Indeed it is the toughest of all palms and the most suitable for the U.K climate.


Overall height including pot 1 metre 90cm

Twin stem-1 stem measures 55cm. 2nd stem 35cm. 3rd Stem 30cm. Pot diameter 60cm by 50cm.

Caring  for your Palm

It will grow pretty well anywhere but to keep it looking in prime condition try to plant  in a moist but well-drained soil in good sun or part shade and, most importantly, out of the wind. When happy it will grow 30cm or more of trunk in a season. Branched heads of flowers are produced in early summer, adding to the exotic effect.

Trachycarpus Fortunei  can be planted at any time of the year, but ideally it should be done during spring and summer.  When planting dig a hole larger than the root-ball, which should be given a good soak before planting. Back-fill the hole with a free draining mix such as John Innes no 3 and grit.Water thoroughly. This helps with the establishment of a healthy root system. If planting during a dry spell, water the hole first, allow to drain, plant, back-fill, and then water again.

Tropical landscapes are lush, colourful, exotic, and bursting with life, and Palm trees are at the very centre. Luckily, they’re not just reserved for tropical climates and desert islands – even old blighty has a love for them. Some wonderful examples of Palms can be found at Kew Gardens. 

Here at the Norfolk Olive Tree Company we are a big fan of the Chinese Windmill Palm

( excuse the pun) more Trachycarpus found here.